An invitation for visitors to raise topics

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There remains beauty in sharing; it fulfils something innard that is pesky and longs for more. Whether we share topics or more grandiose assets, the effect stays the same!

The power is in the community itself and how that translates into changes in the lives of the denizens.

Sharing is powerful because it allows for human expansion and expression in ways unimagined. It is a catalyst for growth in sectors as stubborn as nuts. It is lightweight in its transmutation but potent in effects.

There is plenty to be said about sharing, some of which hasn’t crossed the dimension of our life yet.

In that spirit, I am opening a session to take subjects from the community and write about them. There is a caveat, though, topics can only be within the confines of our niche.

We believe in the power of duty-sharing, bartering, micro-assisting, asset-sharing and community building. THAT IS OUR NICHE!

Plus, ultimately, we love business and building stuff, and that is it too!

So please feel obliged to suggest topics, and I may just write about them.

Find our ‘who we are’ page, and write to my email.

There is no deadline!

Thanks and happy reading!