Facts, trauma victims are tough but broken!

Facts, trauma victims are tough but broken!
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Today we are in Rwanda, and it’s Nineteen-ninety-four, and a war has just gone full scale. The Tutsi and Hutu are at loggerheads. However, this war, like many others, screams ‘my-government-did-this’ or ‘my-government-allowed-this’. But it’s happening, so we will only dwell a little on such.


However, there’s a massacre today, and the value of human life has just been relegated to nothing. Meanwhile, Germany and Belgium are there observing. Because they, the ordained ones, decided they would grant themselves permission to rule African Nations and mix themselves or provoke wars that they were never supposed to be a part of.


But we live in a world that seeks balance, and that’s the karma of it all. So I wonder how mother nature will make amends for thousands of people displaced and killed with such cruelty. Obviously, we can only wait to see, but this will not go unnoticed.


Anyway, The Hutus seem to be on a killing spree today, a sort of rebellion lodged against a perceived enemy, the Tutsi. Even though we know who the actual instigators are, those annoying rascals who just assumed they run the world and could pursue punitive acts with little ramifications for them.



But today is not about them; in any case, they are neither here nor there. Today it’s the Tutsi and the enraged Hutu—two groups of people who should have never been divided, but which are.


What will occur in the following weeks and months is too graphic to describe.

But today, I want us to visit a lady’s home; let’s assume her name is Uwera.

But let’s fast forward twenty-five years and narrate her story from the UAE, where she now resides.


Uwera had just woken up when a batch of Hutus took control of her home. They just barged in, carrying assault rifles, and they meant business. She hears the commotion in the air and proceeds to study the source, and upon arrival, she witnesses her family being murdered gruesomely.


She takes shelter under a low-hanging table, which becomes her saving grace. As she’s frozen there, mum, numb and cognisant not to reveal herself, witnesses her brother fall right before her. He’s dead, and for a moment, his eyes meet hers. Compelled to yell, she holds it all within, using willpower she can’t readily describe.


During her interview, you could tell that the scars were still fresh. However, she also had an unbreakable mind.


How she ended up fleeing and residing elsewhere is by grace or chance, or both. But she lost three-quarters of her family that day, senselessly. It’s a trauma she is forced to heal from since she can’t erase or run away from it.
But healing simply means accepting the state of life for what it is, or where it is, and learning to find purpose in that. People don’t have to heal because we don’t want to lose, to begin with. Least of all so senselessly.


Today we have many Rwandans living in South Africa; most would like to forget that day as soon as yesterday. It’s Too grotesque and brutal.



As I conclude, I would like to emphasize that it is a fact that trauma victims are tougher than ordinary people, and it’s true in a plethora of instances. However, they are also much more broken and emptier, and I am sure none of them would wish this on their worst enemy, despite its toughness-building qualities.


Losses of such a nature are unnecessary.

They are just a consequence of people unwilling to live together in relative harmony. I’m sure no one would willingly subject themselves to this. However, the force of life has other intentions sometimes.


Fortunately for the lady, she knows something that we don’t, making her unique in that sense. May her departed loved ones finally find peace and transmit it to her.

