Melanite people, the first Human race!

Melanite people, the first Human race!
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It seems like Science has gone crazy.


They used to appropriately divide people amongst races, but today they would rather try and preach unity at the behest of truth.

Humans should rightfully be classified into races; Altogether there are around five of them.
Races are not perceived, but rather, biological manifestations.


In other words, Race is a foundational truth of a person. Culture and values are merely add-ons, albeit true as well.


Why would racism gain such explosive momentum if it weren’t describing an inseparable notion of ourselves?


Also, we know that the Black gene(Melanin) in humans[at least on Earth] predates all other forms; so, why should we downplay that?


Human races are a fact that nature espouses. Here’s how they differ, just a tidbit of it.

1. We don’t react similarly, if not at all the same, to the suns exposure. A foundational giver of life on Earth!

2. Our Cranial morphology is markedly different. So too the Skeletal morphology.

3. Our interpretation of history is oceans apart.

4. We are at loggerheads for economic control.

5. Our values differ dramatically.

6. Our cultures show little similarity.

7. We created, and they adapted.

8. There’s significant racial appropriation, driven by Rome.

9. Our physique is vastly different, we are much tougher.

10. Our origins are recorded, and they show no overlap.

11. It’s a Cat and Mouse game of dominant and recessive genes, with one completely devouring the other. Hence a need for separation, at the least for preservation.

12. It’s a moral issue, despite us trying to pretend otherwise.

13. It’s a question of Ourstory which is resold to us branded as ‘Civilized’.

14. Justice is not understood the same, nor does it equate the same.

15. It’s a story of an ancient people, compared to newbies.

16. The issue of homeostasis with the living Earth is not respected the same.

17. Our tolerance isn’t the same, nor is the mechanism behind it.

18. Our divination techniques are from different galaxies altogether.

19. We all have a sense of ourselves and heritage, despite trying to force unity.

20. Others have benefited at the behest of others, also at their pain. A clear marker of different human camps.

21. They study nature, whereas we embody it.

22. Races were born from us being disagreeable amongst ourselves. Hence they are a realisation of our perversions.

23. Our proclivity for evil differs, with ours being much less.

24. The disagreeability amongst races is bare to witness.

25. Blacks are concave and convex, and whites are convex and extractional.

26. And on, and on…



Whoever believes that there is any reasonable comparison between the races, has a serious logical flaw!

In other words, we cannot be 99.9 per cent similar when Melanated people have been on Earth for Millions of years, whereas the rest are > 10 000 years old. And although they came from us, they still took on other forms different from us. THEY’RE HYBRIDS!


Every ancient human fossil excavated show a people lost to time, and they are Melanated and very ancient. Look it up!


Modern dating tools are seriously flawed, and have thus misappropriated the ages of these fossils. It’s based on hearsay!


However, many Blacks would see these ancients and immediately resonate with their story; whereas for the rest it’s purely logical and extractional.


People tend to attain more of their personality when they are around their own, yet they insist that it’s not racial at all.



Above the obvious ideological gaps, there is also the issue of beneficiation, which Whites have been at the receiving end of.



Our continents bear a marker of us, and they differ drastically.

  • Asia bears the name of the Chinese, Japanese, Mongols, Indians, Arabs, etc. And it reflects in their customs too.
  • Europe bears Spaniards, Russians, Nordics, Celts and so on, plus their customs.
  • Africa bears Africans, in their array of shapes and sizes.
  • The rest of the world is an admixture. Although prior to 10 000 years ago Blacks ruled the whole world.
  • We also seem to trigger each other as races, which is not normal behaviour of people from the same kraal.


To those saying that Arabs are also found in North Africa, should know that they arrived there some 3000 years ago. They aren’t native.


Our histories[as races] weren’t always mingled, hence we can recollect events unbound to each other.



Melanites do not mutate.

Melanites are not primitive, if anything, they have developed the skeleton of Civilization(s), despite this current one being so unhealthy.


If continents could isolate, you’d soon realise which one is dominant.


The Bible, despite being corrupted by the Romans, IS OUR HISTORY, with our people in it.


We are capable of a true homeostasis in the heart-mind and spirit as melanites.


Thus, this current education taught in schools does not resonate with many of us, and that is because IT’S NOT OURS.


We live amongst people who puts Capital before human life. In this society everything is a dispensary, including humans.


They do unspeakable harm in the name of science, yet form secret societies to learn the mysteries of Kemetic homeostasis; which they never apply.

And also, since they are incapable of the true embodiment of truth, they can never qualify to apply.



Today they wanna call Kemet and Israel ‘the Near-East’, or whatever ridiculous summation they can coffer.


They are biased, stereotypical and racist, and that’s okay, so am I. However, there’s a need now for all voices to be heard.

Kemet has never been their history, so they can’t classify it! It was not built using their laws.


Rosicrucian’s, Theosophist’s, and Christian’s all study ancient Africans in a corrupted way, yet apply disdain for the people themselves. The irony!


“We cannot agree about the laws of Nature, since we look from within, whereas they look through the lens.”


We resort to the lens only on condition that it does not defy the natural law. In many ways we already know what we are searching for.



We’ve become corrupted, yet still hold ancient truths.


The first and most magnificent of all Monuments began with us. So did everything.

For instance, the Black Tudors taught Europe how to swim, and class. The Moors built the first University in Spain. Organized culture was sampled from Ghana by the Portuguese, as well as irrigation, music, morality, tradition and pride.

These[the above] are amongst a few, of course. I have no intention of jotting them all down, as it would take several lifetimes.



But why does it matter, what’s with the whole buzz behind this?

I will tell you what it is not: It’s not a case for reparations for all the harm done. Other races owe us nothing. We need just remember who we are, then we are ready to expand anew.


They[other races] do, however, need to stop meddling. Move out our way, if possible, given who they are.


Races must come closer to their nature, and this is only possible when a space for self-realisation is achieved.


Due to envy and fear, other races will meddle and collude. Hence why, my former argument, although true and just, won’t materialise.

But their infiltration is now known and bare, and people are now questioning and seeking something different.


In an ideal environment, all races would be allowed space to achieve symbiosis a.k.a a higher state of consciousness, which is not possible, nor ever will be under the current administration.


Melanated people are facing persecution for the very same reason that the Starseed lies within us, and to this end, our physiology is crucial. WE ARE ENVIED!


Dishonesty is a severe crime, and by science attempting to foster a fallacious unity, they are committing unspeakable acts of violence.


We are not of the same race, never have been, never shall be.