Mistakes aren’t pretty, we get it!
First of all, mistakes are hugely uncomfortable, hence our avoidance. They come as nefarious events which seem hellbent on annihilating us. They are here to embarrass us, bring us shame and ridicule, and cling to our memory despite galloping on anti-depressants.
They can be so overbearing as to catalyse myopic lives. We inadvertently refrain from risks, the very element of life.
Lastly, mistakes are so personal; it always feels like ours are the grandest, and the world is gazing at us.
A risk goes 50/50 either way, so does a mistake
But mistakes are an outcome of risks gone rogue, risks which could have gone in any direction. Also, we can address the consequences.
To innovate, we must stop overtly fearing failure. That may be possible if we keep doing things and maintaining curiosity in life and its stuff!
Imagination and the placebo-effect(the heart of faith) are rooted in uncertainty. But they are also deeply rewarding when travelled.
I believe that the true beauty in risks is how they could open us, as in the aforementioned instances. That is the portal for innovative living and sharing.
But there is another hurdle in the wake, which is challenge!
Even in a relatively frictionless setting, we still need to train extra to reach the above states. Using our vision or personifying through the placebo effect requires an additional understanding of the laws at play. But a lack of paralysis from fear of failure puts us on the path to enquiring further about life. And, as some know, manifesting is so powerful that it knows no bounds.
Everything begins in the mind, with foremost clarity, then it is achieved.
For the large part, life is relatively simple, but we are the convoluted ones. We deem it befitting to add layers of abstraction to every darn thing! We look for reasons behind everything.
Lately, and at an accelerated rate, our convoluted selves are refraining from risk-taking. There is a correlation with age.
Our brains are such that we can mock our idiosyncrasy and be valid. We could do the opposite and also be accurate. It seems it essentially goes down to a choice that we have to make.
An old man and new tricks
But the idiom ‘You can’t teach an old man new tricks’ still prevails today. Older men are morbid about the very idea of taking chances and risking certain structures around them. Most of them become sages of sorts, but of course, they’re only fooling themselves. I ascertain that we don’t have to go down this route.
After all, people may judge you, but they don’t care about you that much, if at all. It is silly to live for people’s approval. What is so unique about them? Revelations about life will come when we are alone in a closed space, with just our thoughts. Do this long enough, and you will see people, but mostly yourself, for who you are. In the end, it is absurd what we put ourselves through!
Community sharing is the future.
But I am also convinced that learning valuable lessons takes more than us. Hence the need for a community has never been greater. Almost paradoxically, if we could find ourselves in a shared community, we would have won the lottery.
Click here to see my earlier article about how sharing communities are the future of love.
If we honestly want to avoid dystopia, we must embrace risk. Otherwise, those who do will sit and stay atop the food chain. And we will necessitate it. The rat race will linger once more.
Its all about the freedom.
Every person deserves freedom, even if briefly. Only after can they decide whether they enjoy it or not. But as it is, we don’t even know what that feels like.
It is okay even if we chase freedom by imitation or plagiarism at first, so long as we reach our zenith.
Thanks for your time. Happy placeboing!