Guests can help any organizer (s) or enterprise drive business insights and sales. If an app told you how many people were coming to your event and their elemental composition, then all you’d need to do is focus on the sales.
Introducing get(Guests), a simple and concise guest analyzer for Android.
Firstly, I designed it; those who know, know!
I designed the application to be intuitive and straightforward. It does not require an account to use.
What does it do?
Get(Guests) is an early-stage event organizer that delivers key insights to event-holders.
It is a three-fold application: One interface allows you to subscribe to events as a guest. The second will enable you to create events as an admin. And the third is for viewing the guests.
The application supports all these qualities inside a single application and its launch and play.
I reiterate that no account is required from you!
The whole idea behind this application is to simplify event management and to universalize it by generalizing it to as many use cases as possible.
What triggered the inspiration?
The initial idea was to create an entrance manager that utilized Bluetooth to read the profiles of attendees and grant or restrict their access.
The idea did not work for me; I found it redundant. Rather than using Bluetooth, I could use the server.
So, the idea slowly dissolved into what we have today.
Behind its generic prowess, the application does not store or decipher user information. But it does not encrypt it either.
Forty-eight hours after the event lapse, the related data will be deleted automatically.
At this stage, the application does not have a way to save the data to device memory. However, lesi Stimela siya phambili(This train is moving forward).
What is absent today is present tomorrow.
Bear with me.

Here’s a list of what the app currently offers.
Event creation and monitoring.
Event subscription.
Automated data deletion.
Reliable data filter.
Reliable data analyzer.
User and info manuals.
Who is it for?
As already mentioned, it is generic.
You can use it for parties, weddings, conferences, lectures, and anywhere else.
It makes attendees your priority.
Is it available globally?
No, Not right now!
It is available only in Africa – This will persist for a year or so unless advised otherwise.
How to get one?
Since you’re already on my site, navigate to the home page and click on get(guests); you can’t miss it.
Here’s a shorter route, click here to get the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.selflisolutions.basicattendees
Supported devices and OS:
OS: Android.
SDK: 24 and above, meaning Android 7 onwards.
The application will only improve from here. What are you waiting for? Get those guests today to enhance your business.